I can't say it is my favourite county. Flat and mostly agricultural there are a few gems along some of the back roads.
Arriving at Ipswich train station you could not help but think it was just another concrete jungle as you cross over Princes Street bridge on the way into town with industrial areas to the left and right of you (along with the unmistakable signs of the football ground) then the unwelcoming, generic, boxes of the shops in the centre of the city. However, if you poke around a bit you may be surprised.
The town, despite appearances, is quite old with a number of historic buildings well worth a look.
In recent years the harbour has been redeveloped and is now home to a number of good restaurants…as well as “lively” bars since it is also home to a large number of students.
Ipswich Museum
Truly a surprise for the visitor is the amazing tribute to Victorian animal-collecting that is the Ipswich Museum. Entering the building you are immediately faced with the large central atrium with a life-sized mammoth with a case containing a giraffe towards the back, surrounded by large glass cases containing all manner of animals.

The museum is much larger than you might think with a number of side galleries that can be explored that include displays on all aspects of history including displays on the ancient Egyptians and Europeans…in short, much more than you might expect from a typical town museum. Plan on spending a few hours wandering and gawking at the displays from the kitch to the inexplicable.
Well worth seeking out and visiting, admission to the museum is free of charge and is located on the high street a short distance out of the town centre.
Further Information
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