Review of 'Souls in the Great Machine'
Souls in the Great Machine by Sean McMullen
1st book in the 'Greatwinter Trilogy' series
A fantastic novel of the far future where the world as we know it has been wiped out in a nuclear apocolypse and has been replaced by a world of human-powered trains and “beamflash” towers scattered at regular distances across the land transmit messages across vast distances. Also to contend with is the strange “call” which periodically sweeps the land causing people and animals to stop what they are doing and mindlessly follow the call to their deaths. The Highliber Zarvova has built a massive “Calculor” built of thousands of “components” – people that work in harmony to solve complex tasks – the “great machine”. <p>Filled with a lot of political intrigue and many mysteries, this novel is a wonderful book of tremendous scope though I must admit I found the large numbers of names, places and plots a bit difficult to keep track of at times. Fantastically good story that truly expands the mind and intrigues the reader.</p>
Rating: “Really good but I have some issues”
Review Date: 2004-06-06
Genre: Science Fiction
Other reviewed books in the 'Greatwinter Trilogy' series:
- Eyes of the Calculor (Book 3)
Other reviewed books by Sean McMullen:
- Eyes of the Calculor (Book 3 of Greatwinter Trilogy)