Review of 'Rebel Moon - Part Two: The Scargiver'
Following on from the events of Rebel Moon - Part One: A Child of Fire we learn that Admiral Noble (Ed Skrein) has been resurrected following his death at the docks of Gondival when battling with the rebels. He vows to travel to Veldt to confront the “Scargiver” (Kora). Kora (Sofia Boutella) returns with the rest of her team to Veldt where they learn of Noble's plans so prepare the village for his arrival by first harvesting the grain then training the people in the art of war. Kora confesses to her farmer lover Gunnar (Michiel Huisman) of her involvement in the assassination of the Royal Family by Regent Balisarius (Fra Fee) due to his concerns they were dismantling the military his soldiers had sacrificed themselves for. For her part, Kora killed Princess Issa but Balisarius attempted to frame her for the murder of the entire family so she was forced to flee to Veldt to escape punishment. As the dreadnought arrives in the skies above Veldt the battle comes to the villagers…
Yes, faithful readers, it is the continuing story ripped off from Seven Samurai except with space ships and blasters instead of swords and arrows. Since Noble was such a good baddie he is brought back for this part to wreck his revenge on the innocent rebels who manage to whip the untrained villagers into a fighting force. Of course, the rebels have a few tricks up their sleeves in particular with the shuttle that Kora used to escape from Balisarius that is stashed in the woods.
Ok, I am being a bit cynical but in terms of story there is nothing really new here from the base “Seven Samurai” source except, and this is a big one, the exceptional special effects and action sequences. It really looks quite amazing though you do have to wade through a copious amounts of exposition before the battle really gets going towards the end of the film. The battle goes on for quite long so you have plenty of time to take it all in as the pesky, under-manned farmers attempt get their own back against the evil Admiral Noble in ingenious ways. This is part two of what has been mooted to be a trilogy so expect more of the same in part three…
Sofia Boutella is impressive as Kora showing a certain amount of sensitivity in a film that seems to have precious little of it. We see plenty of her physical skill as well as she battles the Noble's evil forces. Thankfully we also see the return of the popular android Jimmy (voiced by Anthony Hopkins) who is convinced here to put aside his pacifism and take up arms to help the rebels. In this way a nuanced character becomes just one of the other rebels battling to save the farmers (though, to be fair, he is very good at it).
Disappointingly, the series continues it's re-hashing of “Seven Samurai”, albeit a very good looking re-hashing, as we follow the band of rebels protecting the farmers of Veldt.
Rating: “It is OK but I have some issues”
Review Date: 2024-06-30
Directed by: Zack Snyder
Studio: Grand Electric
Year: 2024
Length: 122 minutes
Genre: Science Fiction
Other reviewed films by Zack Snyder:
- 300 (2006)
- Justice League (2017)
- Army of the Dead (2021)