Review of 'The Wasp Factory'

The Wasp Factory by Iain Banks

the-wasp-factory.jpg This is the first work of fiction published by Iain Banks (who also writes Science Fiction under the pen name “Iain M. Banks”) and it definitely shows Banks' excellent skills as an author.

Frank is a troubled youth. He spends his time creating explosives and killing animals (in various, imaginative ways) – Not to mention a number of other children. His family is not so much better. His brother Eric has been committed to an asylum (and recently escaped, presumably coming back home to his family to visit) but was also known for various nastiness to animals as well. His father is a recluse and has secrets of his own…

This is not always a pleasant book to read and yet I found it difficult to put it down. The character is so intriguing, dropping various shocking claims one after another then going on to explain exactly how these things came about. I sincerely hope there is no such family residing in Scotland in some out of the way place as this one is really messed up. It has to be said that not everyone would be able to read this book comfortably: Be warned.



Rating: “Really good but I have some issues”

Review Date: 2008-05-30

Genre: General Fiction

Publisher: Abacus

Publication Date: 1984

Other reviewed books by Iain Banks: