Review of 'Abroad in Japan'
Abroad in Japan by Chris Broad
Having visited the country a few times, I have always thought it would be really interesting to live in Japan to take it all in. It is a complicated place to understand, as is the language, but here we see it is very much worth it.
Chris Broad is a famous YouTuber living in Japan whose videos talk about various aspects of life in the land of the rising sun. In the book “Abroad in Japan” he tells of his joining the UK Jet program which sent him as a native English speaker from his home in the UK to a remote city in Japan. He documents his frustration with his job teaching disinterested children and helping disinterested teachers learn English as well as his experiences with getting to grips with life in Japan. In this he explains why some things that seem so unusual to the west are quite normal there but also how very much like us the people are though constrained by the society in which they live. After his school term came to an end he decided to stay in the country and become a full-time v-logger, documenting various aspects of life throughout the country.
The book is easy to read and really shines a light on some of the more unusual aspects of Japanese society - both it's flaws and strengths. Readers will likely discover a lot of surprises here as we are taken into a love motel, climb Mount Fuji, discover Japanese healthcare, teaching the locals how to swear in English, and spend countless nights escaping from it all in smoky izakayas (Japanese bars). I have never seen his YouTube channel until having finished this book but I have started watching it now. Though Broad can be a bit sarcastic (perhaps a British trait) he is at least honest about himself and what he is experiencing, always acknowledging his own prejudices and shortcomings. It is quite refreshing to read something that is not completely glossy-eyed about Japan but is more honest. Having said that Broad admits to regretting nothing and falling in love with the country. A feeling I very much share.
A great book about a young man coming of age in a foreign country and coming to love it.
Rating: “Nearly perfect, but not quite”
Review Date: 2024-12-31
Genre: Autobiography
Publisher: Penguin
Publication Date: 2023
ISBN: 9781804992227