Travelling in China

Getting around in China can be a bit difficult but with a bit of effort you can really enjoy the trip.


Electronic Sign at a Chinese Beijing West Train Station

Trains travel quite frequently throughout the country. There are various classes of travel available from the seated area to the “deluxe soft sleeper” cabin (ensuite and two beds – and lots of lovely crochet work). Shared toilet facilities can be a bit… damp…and are not really for those with a hang-up on hygeine (I would suggest you just hold your breath…).

Deluxe Soft Sleeper

Tickets can be purchased in advance but ticket sellers at stations may not understand English. It is recommended that tickets are purchased in advance or you may end up standing…

Arriving at Shanghai Station

Note that travel to Hong Kong from China entains certain security measures (it is almost as if you were visiting another country) so be aware that check in may take a bit longer. Also be aware that all classes of cabin may not be available on these trains (Deluxe Soft Sleeper was not available when we travelled).

Entering most stations you will be subject to going through x-ray machines so watch to make sure you do not “lose” your bags.

Ferry from Japan to China

I took a very interesting trip from Japan to China which I would recommend to anyone who (a) is interested in seeing a bit more of both countries (and cultures) and (b) has a bit of time to spend.

En-Suite Facilities

The time was generally quite relaxing with not a lot to do in between waiting for meal times. There are several classes of ticket and I stayed in one of the first class rooms (not the highest class, but one below).

Main Welcome Area

It is very interesting to watch the coastline of Japan go by (you do not see much of the Chinese coastline because (a) it is covered in smog and (b) the boat doesn't really travel near it).

Travelling Under a Japanese Bridge

It takes a full 48 hours to travel by boat from Japan to China but it is quite relaxing…

Another Wonderful Day

Is there anyone else on the boat?

Arriving in Tianjin

Further Information

For further information, please see: